Agriculture Industry Bodies: All Listings 

Results 1 - 11 of 11 This Category · All Listings
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The Commercial Farmers’ Union of Zimbabwe offers a diverse range of quality services to its members these include Technical advice on agricultural production. Assistance with cost

5 Van Praagh Avenue Milton Park, ,
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Representing and safeguarding farmers’ rights and interests, enhancing productivity, promoting modernization of agriculture, and improving farmers’ livelihoods.

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The organisation was formed in 1985 and is Zimbabwe’s leading agricultural organisation representing 9,000 farmers, crofters, growers and other supporters the length and breadth of the country. ZCFU works alongside its sister organisations, as well as oth ...

Airport Ring Road, P. O. Box 1909, ,
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TRB has the exclusive mandate to direct, control and carry out tobacco research in Zimbabwe.

HEAD OFFICE 429 Gleneagles Road, Southerton, ,
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To promote the viable sustainable growth and marketing of the tobacco and related products through regulation and coordination of tobacco value chains.

Private Bag 7006, Chiredzi, , ,
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The Zimbabwe Sugar Association Experiment Station (ZSAES) was established in 1966 to serve the interest of farmers in order to increase productivity of sugarcane through research and extension services. It is a research institution wholly owned by Zim ...

Block A, Inkwazi Office Park 1249 Embankment Road,, , ,
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Agri SA’s vision is ‘to ensure an inclusive and prosperous agricultural sector and, through living and respecting its values and with the cooperation of its members, to fulfil its mission, namely ‘We enable farmers’.

Unit 9, Block 2 Falcon Crest 142 South Street Lyttelton, 0157, , ,
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Its overall objective is to promote the growth and development of a productive, inclusive, and globally competitive agricultural sector in southern Africa.

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GFAR was jointly established by FAO, IFAD, The World Bank and CGIAR and is the only multi-stakeholder global forum in which public, private and civil actors, across all aspects of the generation, access, transformation and use of agri-food knowledge, come ...

Carretera México-Veracruz, Km. 45, El Batán 56237, ,
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CIMMYT contributes to the development of a world with healthier and more prosperous people — free from the threat of global food crises — and with more resilient agri-food systems.

P.O. Box 3730 Harare Tendeseka Office Park Corner Samora Machel Avenue & Renfrew Road Eastlea 3730, ,
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