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Online Agriculture / Farming portal in Zimbabwe incorporating Classifieds, Business Directory, Blog, Knowledge Base, Jobs and more.

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Online mining in Zimbabwe resource portal. This website features a business directory, classifieds, mining jobs, knowledge base and more.

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Motoring Classifieds and Business Directory in Zimbabwe. Also incorporates vehicle care, tips and insurance.

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Best value classifieds in Zimbabwe. Find and sell easily and quickly.

Category Classifieds
20 Mount Pleasant Drive, Mount Pleasant, ,
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The Chamber of mines of Zimbabwe (COMZ) is a private sector voluntary organization established in 1939 by an Act of Parliament. We are a membership-based organisation whose members include mining companies, suppliers of machinery, spare parts, and chemica ...

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The Commercial Farmers’ Union of Zimbabwe offers a diverse range of quality services to its members these include Technical advice on agricultural production. Assistance with cost

5 Van Praagh Avenue Milton Park, ,
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Representing and safeguarding farmers’ rights and interests, enhancing productivity, promoting modernization of agriculture, and improving farmers’ livelihoods.

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The organisation was formed in 1985 and is Zimbabwe’s leading agricultural organisation representing 9,000 farmers, crofters, growers and other supporters the length and breadth of the country. ZCFU works alongside its sister organisations, as well as oth ...

179-187 Samora Machel Ave,Eastlea, Harare Box CY77 Causeway, ,
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To ensure national food security through the efficient and sustainable management of the Strategic Grain Reserve.

Airport Ring Road, P. O. Box 1909, ,
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TRB has the exclusive mandate to direct, control and carry out tobacco research in Zimbabwe.

HEAD OFFICE 429 Gleneagles Road, Southerton, ,
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To promote the viable sustainable growth and marketing of the tobacco and related products through regulation and coordination of tobacco value chains.

Calgary Close off Alps Rd, Pomona, , ,
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The Agricultural Research Trust (ART) is a self-funded research and demonstration farm. Formed in 1983, ART has been at the forefront of agriculture in Zimbabwe and has international recognition for its achievements. Our general objectives are to prov ...

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USAID is the lead U.S. Government agency that works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies to realize their potential.

Tourism House 55 Samora Machel Avenue, ,
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The Zimbabwe Tourism Authority is a Parastatal organization formed by an Act of Parliament: The tourism Act Chapter 14:20 of 1996 with a mandate of developing, managing, promoting and marketing Zimbabwe as a tourist destination in both the local and inter ...

Private Bag 7006, Chiredzi, , ,
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The Zimbabwe Sugar Association Experiment Station (ZSAES) was established in 1966 to serve the interest of farmers in order to increase productivity of sugarcane through research and extension services. It is a research institution wholly owned by Zim ...

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Development Aid from People to People is a non governmental organization registered in Zimbabwe with the Ministry of Labour and Social Services. The registration number is W0/22/80. DAPP Zimbabwe is operating in Mashonaland Central, Mashonaland East, ...

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UNESCO Harare was initially established in 1986 as a sub-regional office for education in Southern Africa, with a special emphasis on higher education. Since then, it has also played the role of cluster office, covering four countries (Botswana, Malawi, Z ...

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This site provides information about the flowering plants and ferns of Zimbabwe. This is a sister site to the Flora of Botswana, Caprivi, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia websites, which together cover the Flora Zambesiaca area.

Category Botany