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Results 41 - 60 of 223 This Category
All Listings
111 East Road, Belgravia, ,
0 reviews

We seek to serve children and families affected by cancer as well as communities throughout Zimbabwe. We want to give practical expressions of the love, care, and responsibility we have to each other as human beings, and strive to be humble and accountabl ...

Category Family Health
17 Fife Avenue, ,
0 reviews

Zimbabwe Women Lawyers Association is a non-profit making organization, which strives to create a just world free from injustice and inequality. In its mission to defend and dialogue on women and children’s rights, Zimbabwe Women Lawyers Association seeks ...

Category Women
288 Herbert Chitepo Avenue/7th Street, ,
0 reviews

The Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network (ZWRCN) is a non- governmental organization committed to promoting women’s social and economic justice in Zimbabwe and globally, through the power of information, networking, and strategic advocacy. We were ...

Category Women
22 Suffolk Road Strathaven, ,
0 reviews

“Driven by fierce commitment Katswe places the politics of women’s bodies at the heart of organising. Transcending differences and working with marginalised women, Katswe uses the transformative power of SAFE spaces to explode “sacred cows”, challenge tab ...

Category Women
21 J.M. Nkomo Road P. Bag H100, Hatfield, ,
0 reviews

The mandate of ZIMCHE is to promote and co-ordinate education provided by institutions of higher education and to act as a regulator in the determination and maintenance of standards of teaching, examinations, academic qualifications and research in insti ...

Category Education
Head Office, 1 Upper East Road, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe, ,
0 reviews

ZIMSEC BACKGROUND AND MANDATE The Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) is a parastatal under the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education created by The Zimbabwe School Examinations Act [Chapter 25:18] It is an internationally accredited ...

Category Education
3 Aintree Circle, Belvedere, ,
0 reviews

Our primary goal is to develop and protect the Olympic Movement in Zimbabwe in alignment to the guidance provided in the Olympic Charter. As an umbrella sports organisation, we have 32 National Federations affiliated to us on a voluntary basis and have co ...

Category Sports Bodies
Corner Josiah Tongogara Avenue/Fifth Street, P.O. Box 2739, ,
0 reviews

Zimbabwe Cricket (ZC) is the national governing body for competitive cricket in the Republic of Zimbabwe, responsible for the day-to-day management and administration of the sport.

Category Cricket
14th Floor Century Towers , 45 Samora Machel Ave, ,
0 reviews

Head Office No.16 Birmingham Road, Southerton, Harare, ,
0 reviews

6th Floor Batanai Gardens, 57 Jason Moyo Avenue (Cnr First Street), ,
0 reviews

The vision of the Association is to advance the interests of SMEs and entrepreneurs involved in the running of SMEs.

Category Associations
3 Penn Place Close Strathaven, ,
0 reviews

Category Pensions
41 Caithness Road, Eastlea, ,
0 reviews

The Insurance Institute of Zimbabwe (IIZ) is a professional insurance organization and independent examining body whose core function is to promote effiiciency and improvement in business practice amongst its members as well as the delegates it trains. It ...

Category Insurance
7 Lloyd Close, Ballantyne Park, Borrowdale, ,
0 reviews

To create a safe & enabling environment for the operation of sustainable life assurance business that returns value.

Category Insurance
ntegrity House, No.2 Bath Road, Cnr. Sam Nujoma Street, PO Box CY1079, Causeway, ,
0 reviews

Category Accounting
NSSA House, Sam Nujoma Street Selous Avenue, Box: CY 1387 Causeway, ,
0 reviews

NSSA is the statutory corporate body tasked by the Government to provide social security.

Category Pensions
8 Coltman Road, Mt Pleasant, ,
0 reviews

The Christian Counselling Centre is a non-profit registered Trust that offers counselling to anyone who would like to talk confidentially to a counsellor concerning any problem. Our volunteer, multi-denominational team of counsellors is trained to an Adva ...

Category Consultation
20 Cambridge Road, Avondale, ,
0 reviews

The Medical Research Council of Zimbabwe (MRCZ) is a specialized Council of the Research Council of Zimbabwe (RCZ) established in 1974 under the Research Act of 1959 and Government Notice No. 225 of 1974 inorder to provide health researchers and instituti ...

106 Baines Avenue, ,
0 reviews

MCAZ is responsible for protecting public and animal health by ensuring that accessible medicines and allied substances and medical devices are safe, effective and of good quality through enforcement of adherence to standards by manufacturers and distribu ...